Robert Smith – Faster EFT

I have recently been watching some videos by Robert Smith a man on who pioneered Faster EFT. (Emotional Thought Filed Therapy), which is Tapping.

He uses Tapping now to help people get rid of internal traumas from their past. I think what he says in the video is very interesting because he mentions how no one is broken. No one needs fixing, we are just doing the best we can with what we know and in fact we are masters of being ourselves. No one else could do us so well. We have developed to such a point where we operate from a paradigm which is incredibly narrow so that we can adhere to all the laws and beliefs we have in our mind.freedom_through_the_mind_by_edy_one

So, from that point of view, we are all seasoned professionals. The problem comes when we want to change to something else. We cannot do that when we have year after year of experiences, which show us that our future is most likely going to be like our past.

Anyone who has really tried to confront a long standing phobia will know what I mean. I had a painful situation many years ago where I had a co worker who wanted to make me feel bad for something I had done. In the beginning I didn’t agree with what she was saying about me and I knew in my heart I had to stand up to her to deal with the conflict effectively. However, as soon as it came time to walk over to her and say my piece, my legs would turn to jelly, my heart beat out of control and I even started to get dizzy and lose focus. I decided to put it off and wait for another day, and as I did the anxiety went down. But, from there the atmosphere got worse and my ability to confront her was more and more difficult. In the end I didn’t face my fear and it started to hold its power over me.

From there on in, I couldn’t talk to her. Everyday we nastily ignored each other and I became frightened about opening up more than ever before. And worse yet, I felt it had spread into other areas of my life.

I started to find it more difficult to be myself, paranoid at some level about how what I say will be received.

When your body argues with you in such a way what can you do?

Faster EFT teaches that when we have a problem we must go in and identify the issue and tap out all the negative energy. Re run it until every moment of the trauma is forgiven and then recreated positively. This can be difficult to do by ourselves when we have a difficult problem so it helps when you have someone to guide you.

FASTER EFT is easy to use and can be learned by watching just one of ROBERT’s videos.